Play Ground
Here at Jan Jeevan Nasha Mukti Kendra, we have an expansive playground that is The most liked facility at ours. Our patients enjoy participating in sports as a means of Recreation which helps them to keep their mind and body occupied so that there is lesser time to think or long for drugs or alcohol. it also helps to keep their body fit which is essential for the medications or therapy to work faster.

Yoga Classes
Yoga is a complete exercise for the mind, body, and soul. hens we provide our patients with daily and productive yoga classes by experienced yoga practitioners to help them exercise their body, meditate, and relax. It also leads to a reduced urge for addiction since the brain stays calm and at rest. Yoga helps them find balance and is especially of immense use to chronic addicts that find it difficult to maintain their posture.
Counselling Classes
Counseling is an inseparable part of the addiction programs because most of the addicts are reported to have started substance abuse because of some emotional or psychological stress. We lay a special emphasis on counseling our patients to better understand the the triggers that led them to addiction. Our counselors are trained and experienced people who know their work well and treat all the patients with equal care and support.

Daily Prayers
Faith can move mountains hence we include daily dress as a part of our treatment programs to enable our patients to connect with the positive energy all around them and manifest the goal of living a normal and healthy life each day by taking baby steps while holding on to the faith in their respective God.
Luxury Wards
Our rehabilitation center is well furnished with excellent luxury wards that give our patients the exact feel of a pleasant home where they can reside and get themselves treated for their addiction and related issues. These wards are provided with good ventilation former computable dents clean and hygienic toilets as well as 24*7 staff support.

Sunday Special Activities
Since Sunday is supposed to be a fun day we try to inculcate the culture of spending Sundays with fun and frolic promoting active participation of each patient in activities searches group discussions, sports, campfires, micro celebrations, and community cooking, and eating together.